

45,000.00 €

The Hammam, a place of body care, is a resting place for soul and spirit. It allows the balance between the tumult of daily life and the need for a haven of peace. The Hammam as a collective space becomes a spiritual sharing... a return to values ​​without barriers: friendship, gentleness, compassion, cheerfulness, the pleasure of living in the present moment.

In this Hammam the eye observes the scene with discretion. Here, it can turn around, bend over, dwell on the details, see the whole without disturbing. The light that penetrates from above like sun rays covers the women in softness and warmth.

A Mediterranean building in cellular concrete, coated with plaster. Women in their care in terracotta. A light to recall the southern sun.

Placed on a base, the set measures 1m60 high and 1m20 in diameter. You have to be able to turn around and look through the small openings. A light illuminates everything from within like a ray of sunshine.

The piece consists of 4 quarters, a central piece, a dome and the base (octagonal steel construction, 120cm diameter top and 8 plywood panels that cover the foot of the base.

Height: ___160cm__________

Width: ___diameter 120cm__________

Unique piece

h160 x w120 cm
100 kg
Year of completion
2018 Grono Switzerland 2019 La petit gallerie, Chateaugiron
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Creatif procedure of the Hammam in cellular concrete, plaster and fired clay

Initially the Hammam was created for the exhibition on the theme “the black box” at the “Torre Fiorenzana” in Grono in the south-east of Switzerland near Bellinzona in the province of Lugano.

la « Torre Fiorenzana » à Grono dans le sud-est de la Suisse près de Bellinzona dans la province de Lugano.
Affiche de l'exposition
ma contribution à l'exposition
ma salle d'exposition

The theme “the black box” inspired me to create the Hammam, an intimate place to be in one’s personal care.

At the beginning a first drawing, the idea was to create just a corner of a hammam. But quickly the idea began to gain momentum and little by little an architectural structure took shape, eventually becoming an entire building measuring four feet in diameter. My drawings made over the previous months are therefore beginning to become reference tools for the 22 characters who will inhabit this set.

Premières esquisses
Dessins de base des sculptures
Premières maquettes en argile
Première maquette du bâtiment
Première maquette 3D
Deuxieme maquette 3D avec les personnages en argile

Using cardboard strips I begin to develop my environment. Vaults and arcades will house my clay characters. Denis P., “ stonemason” agreed to collaborate on the project for the building part. He made a first 3D model based on my explanations and my cardboard model. This allowed me to assess the size of the characters in relation to the building. 

Then begins a new series of figures in their final dimensions and compositions for each part and for the central piece

table de support
support en aciers
cache support
fixation du cache support

Meanwhile, Denis prepares the construction drawings. Once the size of the building is defined, it is the support that must be constructed. A 6-piece sculpture and its 21-piece wood and steel support. It is necessary to design the implementation process for each piece of the puzzle which must be designed for simple and efficient assembly and disassembly, integrating hidden light. 

Philippe L. “blacksmith artist” allowed the design of the steel support that we made together.

Then the pieces of cellular concrete begin to be cut piece by piece: 88 in total. 

The assembly is done with dowels that are glued and with plaster piece by piece. Meticulous and perfect work because everything must be able to be assembled and dismantled without delay?  the 4 main openings are adjusted as well as the 4 small openings in the walls to the right height to allow visitors to have an ideal view of the scenes inside. The dome is an important part because its placement allows it to complete and hold the four quarters in place. 

Denis P. tailleur de pierre
les mor

Each piece is sanded by hand. Each difference of level or gap is adjusted and prepared for the plaster coating which will be applied and dress the building. The locations of the figures which have themselves been colored are marked and integrated into each part of the building, as well as the light cable and its location in the dome. Everything is coated, sanded and re-coated until an even finish is obtained in every corner. The whole thing is assembled several times, dismantled to be adjusted.

The base is dressed with its 8 wooden panels, the light is connected and there you go the show can begin. 

le hammam
montage panneaux
et voilà

The assembly to display the work

Armature pour le transport de la sculpture en résine

To transport this piece of sculpture , 8 crates were built to protect each part of the work. 

We begin to assemble the Hammam support table. The 4 legs are bolted to the steel structure. 

Piece by piece the quarters are taken out of the crates and placed on the table in their assigned location. 

Une fois les 5 parties placées c’est le tour de la coupole. A l’aide d’une barre elle est soulevée et placée dans le bon sens pour respecter l’emplacement des lumières et des joints. 

The 8 panels are screwed and hide the steel structure and the electrical power cable. 

le s panneaux en bois
derniers visses
et voilà

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